Friday, June 26, 2009

Gulp, I made a video!

A little while ago, I made a video tutorial for an embellishment. I kept thinking I should reshoot it, it was just an experiment, but I'm trying to get away from perfectionism, so I just posted it today to YouTube. Please check it out and let me know what you think. I've got ideas for more, so we'll see!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Working on getting my crochet & knitting patterns available again

Special Delivery

I have three patterns that I've made available for free in the past, but I let my old domain, Flesh Eating Bunny, lapse. Now I'm trying to make the patterns available again. I am trying to figure out how to edit them in Ravelry. For now, you can find them here:

Please let me know if you have any problems getting to them!

A better picture of Boo (57 of 365)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Thank You

A Thank You
Originally uploaded by Skulleigh

Not too long ago, I won a giveaway on the Blog "On the Dot Creations" of a set of fabric colored Bobby Pins from They arrived yesterday, so I thought I'd give a thank you/shout out, and play with my new webcam at the same time.

Aren't those bobbies cute? I love them! Thank you!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Digital Scrapbooking Experiment

Digital Scrapbooking Experiment
Originally uploaded by Skulleigh

I've heard of digital scrapbooking before, but never tried it because I assumed it was done in proprietary-ish software. I ran across a mention the other night of using Photoshop, and looked into it tonight. I found a free digital scrapbooking set on Two Peas in a Bucket, so I downloaded it and played around a bit. This is sized to be a 6x6 page if I decide to print it out.

I'm not sure if I'm a fan of digital scrapbooking, I would miss the tactile parts of the paper texture, and the shadows, and the cutting and gluing. It was kind of nice that there was no clean-up. :)

But I might try this again, maybe pick a particular theme, like doing all Blythe images as digital scrapping. We'll see...