Friday, May 15, 2009

Falling down on my plans

Originally uploaded by paperspirit

I didn't get any clothing sewing done today, but as you can see, I was doodling around in the craft room. I don't have enough large enough lengths to make a skirt, no interfacing heavy enough for a bag... and I didn't feel like going to the store!

So I was looking through craft blogs and listening to podcasts. Sister Diane of CraftyPod is publishing a book about Kanzashi, and I decided to look for some how tos to see if it is something I'd be interested in. I found this Spanish-language site, SuperZiper, used Google Language Tools to translate, and ended up with a new hair barrette.

And by the way, when you read on E6000's instructions that it needs ventilation... believe them. I think I'm high now! :D