Monday, April 20, 2009

Marathon TV Show Watching Weekend

I didn't get a whole lot done this last weekend. The weather was pretty gloomy Friday and part of Saturday, and unfortunately affected my mood a bit. But I did manage to do some straightening up in my craft room, and started cleaning the drawers out from the chest of drawers. I need to stop by the home improvement store and get some paint stripper. I've used 3M's Safest Stripper in the past with good results, so hopefully it's still a good product. I'll have to await a nice dry weekend, put down some plastic in the garage and do it in there, I guess. Then the question is, what color to re-paint it? :)

While puttering around in the craft room, I re-watched all of Season 1 of Bones, and about half of Season 2. That's one of my favorite shows, I just love the characters.

Didn't get any sewing done. I need to get some sewing machine oil and clean my Singer up a bit. It's been cranky lately, with the bobbin thread misbehaving. With a little cleaning and a new needle, maybe it will start behaving.

So I'll be off to the craft store at lunch, and when I get home, a little more puttering in the craft room. Perhaps I'll have some sewing soon to show off as an end result.