Friday, February 20, 2009

A new lens, and new fabric!

As I mentioned last Saturday, hubby ordered me a new lens for my camera. It arrived last night, and despite being pretty exhausted from a stressful week at work, I managed to snap a few pictures before falling asleep :)

Emme sits down with a mug of something to drink
This is one of my Blythes, Emme.

Hubs had told me about a trick he read, where with this lens where you can get macro shots by holding a magnifying lens in front of it. I tried it out. Here is one without the glass:
New lens, w/o magnifying glass

And one with:
New lens, with magnifying glass trick

It's pretty cool!

Also arriving yesterday was the pack of fat quarters that I won from Sew Mama Sew.

Fat Quarter Pack won from SewMamaSew!
It was so fun to open and look at the 6 different prints! I have to admit the one on top is my favorite. I think it's going to become dresses for Blythe.

This one is probably my second favorite, but I don't know what I'll do with it:
Fat Quarter from SewMamaSew

Maybe a bag or box - they've posted some links to some good tutorials in the last week over on SMS.

This print is the most fun:

Fat Quarter from SewMamaSew

I think it is destined to be a zippered pencil bag for me. I always have a sketchbook with me these days, and a zippered bag with pencils and pens. I'd like to have a couple fun ones to switch between.

Next up is this print:

Fat Quarter from SewMamaSew

I am not sure what to do with this. The print reminds me of fishscales... hey, maybe a fish softie? That could be fun!

Fat Quarter from SewMamaSew

This is a sweet, versatile little print. Dolly dresses, I think!

And last but not least:

Fat Quarter from SewMamaSew
Perhaps more boxes or bags... not sure yet!

All in all, it was a wonderful package to open and go through :)